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Tverskey and Kahneman (1974) assert that learning by doing promotes resilience. From my experience navigating my way through an intense IRP, I would have to agree. Nobody ever said that learning to walk or writing a thesis would be easy. Insights derived from my case study apply here as well, in that learning from failure requires additional effort for analysis as well as the need for accessible documentation to ensure that lessons are not forgotten immediately. To capture my sense-making process, I have documented my first person reflections in and on action in a blog that I welcome readers to visit.


Here, I share feelings of frustration from the many wrong turns, dead ends and hard pivots taken, as well as occasional moments of clarity and a sense of fulfillment when this 16,500 word puzzle began to take shape. This blog is the permanent record I plan to return to, to help me identify better solutions for next time. 


The purpose of the IRP is not purely academic, but to get students comfortable with coordinating projects within industry. In many respects, this was the element that sold me on the Hyper Island program, as I viewed this final project not as a thesis but more like an 18 week internship that would provide mentoring and industry contacts. In this regard, the master's degree embarked on during a year which exemplifies VUCA, fell somewhat short of final expectations. However, there is no question that having completed this in-depth research has made me industry ready, for which I am grateful.

© 2020 by Eli Catalan

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